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000275_owner-lightwave-l _Mon Jun 27 20:11:25 1994.msg
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Date: Mon, 27 Jun 1994 21:59:15 -0400 (EDT)
From: "D. Kim Stickler" <kim@bronze.coil.com>
Subject: Re: growing or stretching object over keyframes
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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It seems you are looking for a sand that "piles up" instead of
growing. How bout if you use a new object in each frame? The realism would
be there, but it's (a LOT) more work.
Also, you might try compositing a 2D animation over the animation
in LW. This would be easy to do with Dpaint, then (I've just learned) its
an easy matter to render the sequence over your well animation with an
Alpha channel (black background).
Or use an Adpro script (ARexx) to composite each frame.
Hope this is helpful.
Kim Stickler
On Mon, 27 Jun 1994, Randy Cadwell wrote:
> Ok, here's what I want to do but my little brain can't figure it out.
> I have a cross section of a well under ground. The video I'm doing
> deals with plugging abandon wells. I want to be able to see sand and
> gravel be dropped in the well and as it drops I want to see it fill
> it up from the bottom.
> The sand droping is no problem. But how do I get an object to move or
> stretch so it appears to fill the well. I've tried morphing, I've
> tried stretching along the y axis... nothing really works. I the
> effect would be similar to a bar graph with the bar growing up the
> graph ( ala..Toaster's first Revolution Tape showing the bar busting
> out of the graph)
> Please help this no mine. Thanks.
> Randy Cadwell
> Video Production Specialist
> NDSU Extension Communications
> Fargo, ND 58105
> (701)237-7953